أكاديمية ميدل إيست للتدريب والإستشارات
Middle East Academy for training and Consulting
بتقديم مجموعة من الدورات التدريبية خلالعام2017في مجال
Information Systems
IT Security
Network Management
SPSS (Data Management, Analysis and Control)
Transport data analysis and modelling methodologies
Information Management
Information Science
Information Technology
Health Information Management
Creative Strategic IT Leadership
Strategic IT Leadership
E-governance and IT Information Technology
Penetration informational project, and unauthorized
Data center virtualization and cloud infrastructure
Modern communication networks
Cycle secure wireless networks
Modern technologies in the management of telecommunications networks and
IT planning for the development of functional electronic operating environment
The development of municipal services and the provinces through e-government
E-Business Management: Uses Computer in Business Administration
Advanced management for maintenance
Advanced courses in office software Office 2010
Computer Network Management
Database virtualization
Development services through e-government
Management systems and information technology
Identify the Oracle software
Maintenance and security information
Security Information Network
Control devices Programmable Logic
Strategic planning for IT departments
Technology Review and evaluate the performance of employees in the operating environment of electronic
Archive-mail: locking systems, save and retrieve files and documents electronically
IT planning for the development of functional electronic operating environment
Analyzing and organizing information systems
E-business standards and reduce paperwork
Planning and implementation of projects Computer centers
Protection systems and networks
Design and management of network security and how to secure them against intrusion
Information systems and their role in supporting management decisions CNC
Management information centers and secure documents and files documentary computerized
Advanced Course in the design and management of network security and how to secure them against intrusion
Information technology planning and risk management
Risk and security management software
E-government: the requirements and implementation steps
Electronic Government (Strategic and enforcement mechanisms and management)
دبي – ماليزيا – كوالالمبور– باريس – فيينا – مدريد – لندن
القاهرة – الأردن – سنغافورة – شرم الشيخ - الاسكندريه – إسطنبول – كازابلانكا – ميونخ – الدمام – الرياض
لمزيد من الاستفسارات وطلب المحتويات يرجي التواصل مع الاستاذة : رانيا عبد العزيز
Cairo Mob: 002 011 52 00 50 55
Dubai Mob: 00971 564 812 264
ولكم منا جزيل الشكر والاحترام