رادارت الوطن العربي مركز الطقس للرصد الجوي (مباشر) مركز الطقس للأقمار الصناعيه (مباشر) البرق( مباشر )
العودة   الطقس > موسوعة الطقس للفترات الماضيه > ارشيف متابعة وتوقعات التحاليل القديمة
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كلمة المرور

ارشيف متابعة وتوقعات التحاليل القديمة للفترة الماضية

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-09-2011, 12:53 PM
الصورة الرمزية تصادم الكتل
تصادم الكتل تصادم الكتل غير متواجد حالياً
محلل طقس ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
الإقامة: قصرالحيران ( الجزائر )
المشاركات: 9,937
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
تصادم الكتل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

قديم 12-09-2011, 12:54 PM
الصورة الرمزية تصادم الكتل
تصادم الكتل تصادم الكتل غير متواجد حالياً
محلل طقس ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
الإقامة: قصرالحيران ( الجزائر )
المشاركات: 9,937
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
تصادم الكتل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

<!-- eMap_o--><FORM method=post name=control_form action=""><INPUT value=48 type=hidden name=frame_nr> </FORM><SCRIPT language=Javascript>// <!--//============================================================// >> jsImagePlayer 1.0 <<// for Netscape3.0+, September 1996//============================================================// by (c)BASTaRT 1996// Praha, Czech Republic, Europe//// feel free to copy and use as long as the credits are given// by having this header in the code//// contact: xholecko@sgi.felk.cvut.cz// http://sgi.felk.cvut.cz/~xholecko///...============// Thanx to Karel & Martin for beta testing and suggestions!//============================================================// New GUI Design by Brian Hughes, NOAA/NESDIS/SAB 12/17/99// Assorted hacks added by T. Spindler NHC/TPC 7/25/00//============================================================//********* SET UP VARIABLES *********************first_image = 0;last_image = 1;//**************************************************************************//=== THE CODE STARTS HERE - no need to change anything below ===//=== global variables ====theImages = new Array(); //holds the imagestheImagesTime = new Array(); // holds the datetheImageButton = new Array();theImageButtonDefault = new Array();imageNum = new Array(); //keeps track of which images to omit from loopnormal_delay = 250;delay = normal_delay; //delay between frames in 1/100 secondsdelay_step = 25;delay_max = 4000;delay_min = 50;dwell_multipler = 5;dwell_step = 1;end_dwell_multipler = dwell_multipler;start_dwell_multipler = 1;current_image = first_image; //number of the current imageimage_increment = 1;last_image = 1;timeID = null;var status = 0; // 0-stopped, 1-playingsize_valid = 0;num_loops = 0; // initializes loop number counter//===> Make sure the first image number is not bigger than the last image numberif (first_image > last_image){ var help = last_image; last_image = first_image; first_image = help;}//===> Preload the first image (while page is downloading) theImages[0] = new Image(); theImages[0].src = "http://expert-3.weatheronline.co.uk/gifs/loading.gif"; imageNum[0] = true;//==============================================================//== All previous statements are performed as the page loads. ==//== The following functions are also defined at this time. ==//==============================================================//===> Stop the animationfunction stop(){ //== cancel animation (timeID holds the expression which calls the fwd or bkwd function) == if (status == 1) clearTimeout(timeID); status = 0;// setTimeout("history.back()", 60000); //when stop function called, "kicksback" to previous document} //after 60 seconds//===> Display animation in fwd directionfunction animate_fwd(){ document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = theImageButtonDefault[current_image]; current_image++; //+=image_increment image number //== check if current image has exceeded loop bound == if (current_image > last_image) current_image = first_image; document.animation.src = theImages[current_image].src; //display image onto screen document.getElementById('dateline').childNodes[0].nodeValue = theImagesTime[current_image]; document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = "act_loop"; document.control_form.frame_nr.value = theImages[current_image].time; //display image number delay_time = delay; if ( current_image == first_image) delay_time = start_dwell_multipler*delay; if (current_image == last_image) delay_time = end_dwell_multipler*delay; //== call "animate_fwd()" again after a set time (delay_time) has elapsed == timeID = setTimeout("animate_fwd()", delay_time);}//===> Display animation in reverse directionfunction animate_rev(){ document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = theImageButtonDefault[current_image]; current_image--; //image_increment image number //== check if image number is before lower loop bound == if (current_image < first_image) current_image = last_image; document.animation.src = theImages[current_image].src; //display image onto screen document.getElementById('dateline').childNodes[0].nodeValue = theImagesTime[current_image]; document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = "act_loop"; document.control_form.frame_nr.value = theImages[current_image].time; //display image number delay_time = delay; if (current_image == first_image) delay_time = start_dwell_multipler*delay; if (current_image == last_image) delay_time = end_dwell_multipler*delay; //== call "animate_rev()" again after a set amount of time (delay_time) has elapsed == timeID = setTimeout("animate_rev()", delay_time);}//===> Changes playing speed by adding to or substracting from the delay between framesfunction change_speed(dv){ delay+=dv; //== check to ensure max and min delay constraints have not been crossed == if(delay > delay_max) delay = delay_max; if(delay < delay_min) delay = delay_min;}//===> functions that changed the dwell rates.function change_end_dwell(dv) { end_dwell_multipler+=dv; if ( end_dwell_multipler < 1 ) end_dwell_multipler = 0;}function change_start_dwell(dv) { start_dwell_multipler+=dv; if ( start_dwell_multipler < 1 ) start_dwell_multipler = 0;}//===> rewind to start of image sequencefunction rewind(){ stop(); document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = theImageButtonDefault[current_image]; current_image = first_image; document.animation.src = theImages[current_image].src; //display image onto screen document.getElementById('dateline').childNodes[0].nodeValue = theImagesTime[current_image]; document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = "act_loop"; document.control_form.frame_nr.value = current_image; //display image number}//===> fast forward to end of image sequencefunction ffwd(){ stop(); document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = theImageButtonDefault[current_image]; current_image = last_image; document.animation.src = theImages[current_image].src; //display image onto screen document.getElementById('dateline').childNodes[0].nodeValue = theImagesTime[current_image]; document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = "act_loop"; document.control_form.frame_nr.value = current_image; //display image number}//===> Increment to next imagefunction incrementImage(number){ stop(); document.getElementById(theImageButton[number]).className = theImageButtonDefault[number]; number += image_increment; if (number > last_image) number = first_image; current_image = number; document.animation.src = theImages[current_image].src; //display image onto screen document.getElementById('dateline').childNodes[0].nodeValue = theImagesTime[current_image]; document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = "act_loop"; document.control_form.frame_nr.value = current_image; //display image number}//===> Decrement to next imagefunction decrementImage(number){ stop(); document.getElementById(theImageButton[number]).className = theImageButtonDefault[number]; number -= image_increment; if (number < first_image) number = last_image; current_image = number; document.animation.src = theImages[current_image].src; //display image onto screen document.getElementById('dateline').childNodes[0].nodeValue = theImagesTime[current_image]; document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = "act_loop"; document.control_form.frame_nr.value = current_image; //display image number}//===> "Play forward"function fwd(){ stop(); status = 1; animate_fwd();}//===> "Play reverse"function rev(){ stop(); status = 1; animate_rev();}//===> Check selection status of image in animation loopfunction checkImage(status,i){ if (status == true) imageNum[i] = false; else imageNum[i] = true;}//==> Empty function - used to deal with image buttons rather than HTML buttonsfunction func(){}//===> Sets up interface - this is the one function called from the HTML bodyfunction animation(){ count = first_image; launch(); fwd();}//===> Reload graphics with new image_typefunction switch_image(){ stop(); launch(); fwd();}//===> Reload graphics with new image_typefunction go2image(number){ stop(); current_image = number; document.animation.src = theImages[current_image].src; //display image onto screen document.getElementById('dateline').childNodes[0].nodeValue = theImagesTime[current_image]; document.getElementById(theImageButton[current_image]).className = "act_loop"; document.control_form.frame_nr.value = theImages[current_image].time; //display image number}//===> Load and initialize everything once page is downloaded (called from 'onLoad' in <BODY>)function launch(){ var numargs = launch.arguments.length; theImages[0] = new Image(); theImages[0].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis06/swas/prec/11120909_0906.gif"; theImagesTime[0] = "Fri 09.12 09 GMT"; theImageButton[0] = "timeid3"; theImageButtonDefault[0] = "aa"; imageNum[0] = true; theImages[0].time = "0"; theImages[1] = new Image(); theImages[1].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11120912_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[1] = "Fri 09.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[1] = "timeid6"; theImageButtonDefault[1] = "aa"; imageNum[1] = true; theImages[1].time = "1"; theImages[2] = new Image(); theImages[2].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11120915_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[2] = "Fri 09.12 15 GMT"; theImageButton[2] = "timeid9"; theImageButtonDefault[2] = "aa"; imageNum[2] = true; theImages[2].time = "2"; theImages[3] = new Image(); theImages[3].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11120918_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[3] = "Fri 09.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[3] = "timeid12"; theImageButtonDefault[3] = "aa"; imageNum[3] = true; theImages[3].time = "3"; theImages[4] = new Image(); theImages[4].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11120921_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[4] = "Fri 09.12 21 GMT"; theImageButton[4] = "timeid15"; theImageButtonDefault[4] = "aa"; imageNum[4] = true; theImages[4].time = "4"; theImages[5] = new Image(); theImages[5].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121000_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[5] = "Sat 10.12 00 GMT"; theImageButton[5] = "timeid18"; imageNum[5] = true; theImages[5].time = "5"; theImages[6] = new Image(); theImages[6].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121003_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[6] = "Sat 10.12 03 GMT"; theImageButton[6] = "timeid21"; imageNum[6] = true; theImages[6].time = "6"; theImages[7] = new Image(); theImages[7].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121006_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[7] = "Sat 10.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[7] = "timeid24"; imageNum[7] = true; theImages[7].time = "7"; theImages[8] = new Image(); theImages[8].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121009_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[8] = "Sat 10.12 09 GMT"; theImageButton[8] = "timeid27"; imageNum[8] = true; theImages[8].time = "8"; theImages[9] = new Image(); theImages[9].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121012_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[9] = "Sat 10.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[9] = "timeid30"; imageNum[9] = true; theImages[9].time = "9"; theImages[10] = new Image(); theImages[10].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121015_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[10] = "Sat 10.12 15 GMT"; theImageButton[10] = "timeid33"; imageNum[10] = true; theImages[10].time = "10"; theImages[11] = new Image(); theImages[11].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121018_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[11] = "Sat 10.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[11] = "timeid36"; imageNum[11] = true; theImages[11].time = "11"; theImages[12] = new Image(); theImages[12].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121021_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[12] = "Sat 10.12 21 GMT"; theImageButton[12] = "timeid39"; imageNum[12] = true; theImages[12].time = "12"; theImages[13] = new Image(); theImages[13].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121100_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[13] = "Sun 11.12 00 GMT"; theImageButton[13] = "timeid42"; theImageButtonDefault[13] = "aa"; imageNum[13] = true; theImages[13].time = "13"; theImages[14] = new Image(); theImages[14].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121103_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[14] = "Sun 11.12 03 GMT"; theImageButton[14] = "timeid45"; theImageButtonDefault[14] = "aa"; imageNum[14] = true; theImages[14].time = "14"; theImages[15] = new Image(); theImages[15].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121106_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[15] = "Sun 11.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[15] = "timeid48"; theImageButtonDefault[15] = "aa"; imageNum[15] = true; theImages[15].time = "15"; theImages[16] = new Image(); theImages[16].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121109_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[16] = "Sun 11.12 09 GMT"; theImageButton[16] = "timeid51"; theImageButtonDefault[16] = "aa"; imageNum[16] = true; theImages[16].time = "16"; theImages[17] = new Image(); theImages[17].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121112_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[17] = "Sun 11.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[17] = "timeid54"; theImageButtonDefault[17] = "aa"; imageNum[17] = true; theImages[17].time = "17"; theImages[18] = new Image(); theImages[18].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121115_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[18] = "Sun 11.12 15 GMT"; theImageButton[18] = "timeid57"; theImageButtonDefault[18] = "aa"; imageNum[18] = true; theImages[18].time = "18"; theImages[19] = new Image(); theImages[19].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121118_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[19] = "Sun 11.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[19] = "timeid60"; theImageButtonDefault[19] = "aa"; imageNum[19] = true; theImages[19].time = "19"; theImages[20] = new Image(); theImages[20].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121121_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[20] = "Sun 11.12 21 GMT"; theImageButton[20] = "timeid63"; theImageButtonDefault[20] = "aa"; imageNum[20] = true; theImages[20].time = "20"; theImages[21] = new Image(); theImages[21].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121200_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[21] = "Mon 12.12 00 GMT"; theImageButton[21] = "timeid66"; imageNum[21] = true; theImages[21].time = "21"; theImages[22] = new Image(); theImages[22].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121206_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[22] = "Mon 12.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[22] = "timeid72"; imageNum[22] = true; theImages[22].time = "22"; theImages[23] = new Image(); theImages[23].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121212_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[23] = "Mon 12.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[23] = "timeid78"; imageNum[23] = true; theImages[23].time = "23"; theImages[24] = new Image(); theImages[24].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121218_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[24] = "Mon 12.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[24] = "timeid84"; imageNum[24] = true; theImages[24].time = "24"; theImages[25] = new Image(); theImages[25].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121300_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[25] = "Tue 13.12 00 GMT"; theImageButton[25] = "timeid90"; theImageButtonDefault[25] = "aa"; imageNum[25] = true; theImages[25].time = "25"; theImages[26] = new Image(); theImages[26].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121306_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[26] = "Tue 13.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[26] = "timeid96"; theImageButtonDefault[26] = "aa"; imageNum[26] = true; theImages[26].time = "26"; theImages[27] = new Image(); theImages[27].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121312_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[27] = "Tue 13.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[27] = "timeid102"; theImageButtonDefault[27] = "aa"; imageNum[27] = true; theImages[27].time = "27"; theImages[28] = new Image(); theImages[28].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121318_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[28] = "Tue 13.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[28] = "timeid108"; theImageButtonDefault[28] = "aa"; imageNum[28] = true; theImages[28].time = "28"; theImages[29] = new Image(); theImages[29].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121400_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[29] = "Wed 14.12 00 GMT"; theImageButton[29] = "timeid114"; imageNum[29] = true; theImages[29].time = "29"; theImages[30] = new Image(); theImages[30].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121406_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[30] = "Wed 14.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[30] = "timeid120"; imageNum[30] = true; theImages[30].time = "30"; theImages[31] = new Image(); theImages[31].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121412_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[31] = "Wed 14.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[31] = "timeid126"; imageNum[31] = true; theImages[31].time = "31"; theImages[32] = new Image(); theImages[32].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121418_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[32] = "Wed 14.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[32] = "timeid132"; imageNum[32] = true; theImages[32].time = "32"; theImages[33] = new Image(); theImages[33].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121500_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[33] = "Thu 15.12 00 GMT"; theImageButton[33] = "timeid138"; theImageButtonDefault[33] = "aa"; imageNum[33] = true; theImages[33].time = "33"; theImages[34] = new Image(); theImages[34].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121506_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[34] = "Thu 15.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[34] = "timeid144"; theImageButtonDefault[34] = "aa"; imageNum[34] = true; theImages[34].time = "34"; theImages[35] = new Image(); theImages[35].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121512_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[35] = "Thu 15.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[35] = "timeid150"; theImageButtonDefault[35] = "aa"; imageNum[35] = true; theImages[35].time = "35"; theImages[36] = new Image(); theImages[36].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121518_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[36] = "Thu 15.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[36] = "timeid156"; theImageButtonDefault[36] = "aa"; imageNum[36] = true; theImages[36].time = "36"; theImages[37] = new Image(); theImages[37].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121600_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[37] = "Fri 16.12 00 GMT"; theImageButton[37] = "timeid162"; imageNum[37] = true; theImages[37].time = "37"; theImages[38] = new Image(); theImages[38].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121606_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[38] = "Fri 16.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[38] = "timeid168"; imageNum[38] = true; theImages[38].time = "38"; theImages[39] = new Image(); theImages[39].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121612_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[39] = "Fri 16.12 12 GMT"; theImageButton[39] = "timeid174"; imageNum[39] = true; theImages[39].time = "39"; theImages[40] = new Image(); theImages[40].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121618_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[40] = "Fri 16.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[40] = "timeid180"; imageNum[40] = true; theImages[40].time = "40"; theImages[41] = new Image(); theImages[41].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121700_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[41] = "Sat 17.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[41] = "timeid204"; theImageButtonDefault[41] = "aa"; imageNum[41] = true; theImages[41].time = "41"; theImages[42] = new Image(); theImages[42].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121812_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[42] = "Sun 18.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[42] = "timeid216"; imageNum[42] = true; theImages[42].time = "42"; theImages[43] = new Image(); theImages[43].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121800_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[43] = "Sun 18.12 18 GMT"; theImageButton[43] = "timeid228"; imageNum[43] = true; theImages[43].time = "43"; theImages[44] = new Image(); theImages[44].src = "http://expertcharts.weatheronline.co.uk/daten/proficharts/en/2011/12/09/basis00/swas/prec/11121912_0900.gif"; theImagesTime[44] = "Mon 19.12 06 GMT"; theImageButton[44] = "timeid240"; theImageButtonDefault[44] = "aa"; imageNum[44] = true; 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قديم 12-09-2011, 12:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية تصادم الكتل
تصادم الكتل تصادم الكتل غير متواجد حالياً
محلل طقس ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
الإقامة: قصرالحيران ( الجزائر )
المشاركات: 9,937
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
تصادم الكتل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

اتمنى ان تزداد الفرصة والمعطيات الجوية الى الاحسن لكي تكون حالة جيدة لاهلنا في الخليج العربي التوقعات بعيدة المدى من الممكن ان تزول ومن الممكن ان تتطور الله اعلم

قديم 12-09-2011, 01:02 PM
الصورة الرمزية تصادم الكتل
تصادم الكتل تصادم الكتل غير متواجد حالياً
محلل طقس ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
الإقامة: قصرالحيران ( الجزائر )
المشاركات: 9,937
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
تصادم الكتل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

<!-- start of content-column -->

قديم 12-09-2011, 01:08 PM
الصورة الرمزية تصادم الكتل
تصادم الكتل تصادم الكتل غير متواجد حالياً
محلل طقس ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
الإقامة: قصرالحيران ( الجزائر )
المشاركات: 9,937
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
تصادم الكتل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

قديم 12-09-2011, 01:08 PM
الصورة الرمزية سفير الحيا
سفير الحيا سفير الحيا غير متواجد حالياً
مراسلنا من مدركه / شمال شرق مكه المكرمة
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
المشاركات: 47
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
سفير الحيا is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

سلآم عليكم
جمعه مبآركه للجميع وتقبل الله منا ومنكم صآلح الأعمآل
اليوم الجوء حر ورياح جنوبيه خفيفه ورطوبه محسوسه
والله يرزقنا ويرزقكم بالخير والمطر والسيل

توقيع : سفير الحيا

يالله ياجال الأمور المهمه
تجلا وهج قلب برا حال راعيه
البر دجته والبحر رحت يمّه
أدرج سبب حظِ على الله مساعيه

قديم 12-09-2011, 01:14 PM
حربي ينبع حربي ينبع غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
المشاركات: 156
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
حربي ينبع is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

سؤال للاحبائنا الخبراء الكرام
هل سيؤثر (خسوف القمر) على حالة الطقس
في المد البحري ومن المعروف ان المد البحري يؤثر على حاله الطقس وشكراااا

قديم 12-09-2011, 01:51 PM
الصورة الرمزية تصادم الكتل
تصادم الكتل تصادم الكتل غير متواجد حالياً
محلل طقس ماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
الإقامة: قصرالحيران ( الجزائر )
المشاركات: 9,937
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
تصادم الكتل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: متابعة الطقس من 1 الى 10 [ ديسمبر ] على الجزيره العربيه 2011

ضع تعليق بحسابك في الفيس بوك

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 4 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 4)

الانتقال السريع

الساعة الآن 01:25 AM.

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