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قديم 05-19-2016, 12:28 PM
هايدي حسن هايدي حسن غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متألق
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2016
المشاركات: 223
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
هايدي حسن is on a distinguished road
افتراضي #دورات_البتروال_الغاز _ (gproi) لعام2016

دورات البترول والغاز لعام 2016
يتشرف معهد المحترفون العالميون ان يعلن عن دوراته التدريبيه فى جميع المجالات و التى سيتم تنفييذها خلال عام 2016

ويدعوكم للتسجيل في

دورات مجال البترول

Piping and Pipelines network design

Advanced Corrosion Management

Advanced Gas liquid separation

advanced Heat Transfer Equipment Operation, Startup and Commissioning

Advanced LPG Technology

Advanced LPG, NGL and LNG Technology

Advanced Natural Gas Processing, Start up, Shutdown, Troubleshooting and Special Problems

advanced oil refinery technology for Technicians

Advanced Oil Treatment technology

Advanced Paraffin and Asphaltenes In Crude Oils

Advanced Process Plant Operations, Troubleshooting and Special Problems

Basic of Petrochemicals Industry

Basics of Crude Oil Separation, Desalting and Stabilization

Basics of Fertilizers Industry

Basics of Natural Gas Processing

Boiler Feed Water Treatment, Steam Generation and Distribution Systems


Catalyst in oil and gas industry

Catalyst in Refinery industry

catalytic reforming technology Training Outlines

Chemical laboratory in Petroleum Industry

chemical treatment for oil and gas field

choice and evaluation chemical treatment for oil and gas field (2)

choice and evaluation chemical treatment for oil and gas field

Computer Aided Process Engineering and Simulation

Continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR)

Cooling water and Fire water Protection Systems

Corrosion & Corrosion Control Fundamentals in Oil & Gas Field

Crude Oil & Petroleum Products Analysis & Quality Control

Crude Oil Classification, Assays, Products Specification and Testing

Crude oil dehydration and desalting (1)

Crude oil properties and oil treatment course

Crude Oil Testing & Equipment

DCS Simulator for Process Panel Operators

Desalination (RO, MSF Units, Vapor Compression)

Distillation operation%2ccontrol%2ctroupleshooting

Distillation operation,control,troupleshooting

Emergency and Process Shut-down (ESD and PSD)

Fire Protection Systems

fired heater operation and troupleshooting

fired heater

Flare System, Operations and Design

Fundamental of catalyst in oil & gas Industry

Fundamentals of Corrosion & Corrosion Control

Fundamentals of Equipment in Oil & Gas Industry

Fundamentals of Ethylene & Propylene, Polypropylene and Polyethylene Industry

Fundamentals of Heat Transfer Equipment Operation, Startup and Commissioning

Fundamentals of Process equipments

Fundaments of Chemical Engineering

Gas Dehydration Technology, Hydrocarbon Dew Point Control Technology

gas dehydration technology

Gas Dryer Operation, Design, Regeneration, Logic and Troubleshooting

Gas Field Refrigeration Systems

gas liquid separation

Gas Plant (Troubleshooting & Special Problems

Gas Processing %28Dehydration & Sweetening%29

Gasoline blending (refinery specific practices)

GTL Technology

Hazards Area Classification, Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment


HAZOP application in oil and gas level 1

HAZOP Practical Study Level 1,2

Heat exchangers operation, design and maintenance

Heat Transfer Equipment Operation and Troubleshooting

Hydrocarbon losses management

hydrocarbon losses

hydrocarbon storage ,transportation

Hydrocarbons Pipelines Design and Operation (Crude Oil, Petroleum Products, Natural gas)

hydrocarnons losses

hydrocracking process

Hydrogen Plant Unit (HPU & PSA)

hydrotreating technology Training Outlines


Instruments and Plant Utility Air Systems, Nitrogen Generation, and Fuel Gas Utility Systems

Introduction to oil refining

LPG technology

MEROX process & technology

Natural Gas Processing Technology

Oil & Gas Pipelines hydraulics and Sizing Calculations

Oil & Gas Processing Simulation and Calculation

Oil & Gas Storage, Shipping and Utilization

Oil and Gas industry Waste Disposal

Oil Refinery LP Modelling and Economics

Oil Refinery Product Treatment

Oil Refinery Product Treatment

OJT Distillation operation,control,troupleshooting

OJT in Crude Oil & Product Storage and Transportation Unit

OJT in Refinery Utilities Unit


OJT on catalytic reforming technology Training Outlines

Overview of Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals

Petroleum Crude and Products Storage Systems

petroleum oil and gases wastes and disposal

Petroleum Products & Refining Processes for Operation

petroleum refinery for technical persons

petroleum refinery wastes and disposal

Piping and Pipelines network design (2)

Piping and Pipelines network design

Planned Shutdown and Critical Activities, Isolation, Startup & Commissioning

Planned shutdown management Outlines

Positive displacement pump technology

Pressure Relief Systems and Flare systems, Operation, Design, Startup, Troubleshooting and Shutdown

Process Calculations & Simulation by HYSIS

Process calculations basic

Process equipments (selection, sizing, operation and troubleshooting)

Process Flares and recovery system

Process hand Calculations

Process Operations (for Technicians)

Process Panel Operator Assessment (Software)

Process plant design

Process Plant Operations, Troubleshooting and Special Problems

Process Plant start up, shutdown and Troubleshooting & Engineering Problem Solving

process plant troubleshooting

pumps. technology and pumping system

pumps. technology process overview

pumps. Technology

Refinery-Petrochemical Integration & Economics (Repaired)

Refinery-Petrochemical Integration & Economics

steam traps and pipelines

Sulphur Recovery and Solidification

Surface Facilities Production Operations


Understanding and Interpreting Technical Drawings (P&ID, PFD and UFD) and Documentation

Utilities and Environment protection in Refineries

Utilities in Process Plants

Waste Water Treatment Systems

Water Analysis and Quality Control

Water Injection and Effluent aste Water Treatment Facilities

ولمزيد من التفاصيل يرجى التواصل من خلال

أ. هايدى حسن
موبايل - واتس اب - فايبر : 00201149844469

وستعقد الدورات في الدول الاتية

الكويت - ماليزيا - تركيا - المملكة العربية السعودية - دبى - مصر -القاهرة - اسكندرية – شرم الشيخ- المغرب - نيويورك – لندن- إندونيسيا-النمسا -فيينا - اليونان- الاردن عمان – قطر– فرنسا – باريس – البحرين

و يقدم المعهد دورات تدريبية في جميع المجالات مثل

خدمه العملاء / القانون / المحاسبه الماليه / التسويق / الموارد البشرية / الهندسة / الامن والسلامة / العلاقات العامة / الصيانه و الامن الصناعى

و يمكنكم التواصل ومعرفة جميع المعلومات عن الدورات

أ-هايدى حسن
Haidy Hassan
Training coordinator
Mobile, whatsApp,Viber : 00201149844469

رد مع اقتباس
ضع تعليق بحسابك في الفيس بوك

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)

الانتقال السريع

الساعة الآن 05:41 AM.

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