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قديم 07-13-2016, 10:26 AM
أفنان على أفنان على غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متألق
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2016
المشاركات: 422
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
أفنان على is on a distinguished road
افتراضي تنظيف شقق بجدة

3 Secrets to Cleaning Your Home in Half the Time

1 Have a System

Speed-cleaning master (and house keeper administration proprietor) Debbie Sardone says that slicing your cleaning time down the middle begins with a framework. That implies cleaning the house in the same request without fail: Working one room at once, beginning and completing at the same spot in a room so you don't squander time running forward and backward.
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"To get the time down, you must be predictable—that is the entire reason," Sardone says. "You do likewise every time you clean, so it is a schedule. The routine is the technique, and that is a characteristically better approach to clean in light of the fact that the rate originates from the strategy rather than from rushing. You truly can clean your home in a fraction of the time. It's not a contrivance."

2 Clean Top to Bottom, Left to Right
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Try not to begin a room by wiping the foot stool, then clean the blinds, and seeing the dust from the blinds coat your recently clean end table. Sardone says to begin at the highest point of the room, for example, cleaning a roof fan, and work down to the floor to wipe out excess work.
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In like manner, cleaning left to right guarantees شركة تنظيف فلل بجدة that you cover the whole room as opposed to shooting from spot to put.

"A great many people see something and clean it, then they turn upward and see something else and clean it, and the earth tumbles down on what you just cleaned," Sardone says. "On the off chance that you work start to finish and left to right, you're working once as opposed to cleaning ranges you've quite recently cleaned."
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3 Squeegee Windows for a Streak-Free Finish

Can't get the sparkle you need with Windex and paper towels? Creator and pace cleaning master Laura Dellutri's weapon of decision is an expert evaluation window squeegee, which begins at about $12. Place a drop of dish cleanser in a gallon of water, wipe it liberally on the window with a fabric, then squeegee it off. "Go through and through and wipe the cutting edge every time at the base," she says. "You'll get a window that is sans streak."
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In the event that you would prefer not to utilize a squeegee, Dellutri suggests a glass cleaner and a microfiber fabric. At the point when wiping with the material, use level strokes and move start to finish. Try not to clean a window by rubbing in circles, which can leave streaks, and abstain from wiping the glass with daily paper or paper towels, which leave a buildup.


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