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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 01-19-2017, 08:20 PM
ابو ليان ابو ليان غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2017
المشاركات: 49
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ابو ليان is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Senegal vs Zimbabwe and ducts live broadcast today

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Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

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click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

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click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
click here to watch live
Charming lovers round and watchers of the African Nations Cup in 2017 will meet today in the second set Senegal team
before the team Zimbabwe in the second round, where Senegal
team enters the match in good spirits after winning the first in their first meeting against the Tunisian team's lead to two goals gratis, and clinched the three points from the game as it seeks today in the match against Zimbabwe in grabbing the three points of the game and get to the sixth point is to be the first to qualify a very large margin in the second set and get to the next round match will be tough on the Senegal team against Zimbabwe team that enters the game with one point from the draw against the team of Algeria, where seeks today elected Zimbabwean prove oneself and get the three points and get to the fourth point of the game will be difficult for elected both seeking to win and collect the three points of the match squad Zimbabwe played a tough match against a team of Algeria had advanced ahead of the goal, but luck will not play his role with the team and the kidnapping of the Algerian team an equalizer and a point from the game but today Zimbabwe team plays a good team ready to Senegalese and play carefully in the game and try to win a kidnap minutes of the match date and timing of Senegal team vs team Zimbabwe today on 19.01.2017
Egypt GMT 21:00 KSA 22:00 GMT Emirates 23:00
Occasion: African Nations Cup
Both teams Senegal and Zimbabwe
second round
Francivil Stadium
Group B

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