.yes it is my own,but you make it more better than i did,Thanks dr
and so that
اقتباس |
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة : منتظر النايف |
Oh, moon of the beautiful,
You, rose of November,
You are always in mind to remember,
For me you are so fanciful:
You have descended from the skies,
And later, back to heaven you will rise.
which yuo wrote is really wonderful
.about separate room i agree with you
and if you dont mind see this paragraph plz
...I have back again
...to my sad room
Oh yeh, I am room agein
whith 4walls locked door
.and my heavy bain
Agein, One more time
, I have to live the dark
.I have to see the bane
But my mind is not coming with me
It stays there
Flying like abird
!?But where
Just around her
And i would that she know
Every thing is change
even my mien
And i well never cry again
Oh, so sorry
Really I am so sorry
,Now i feel that
I am going to cry again
.And again
Because a piece of me is ther
.Not coming with me again
بشر يا دكتورنا العزيز عساها مقبولة معنى ومبنى. وتذكر أن أنجليزيتي ليست ولا بد .. إذ أننا نفتقد الممارسة ، وأنت تقدم لنا خدمة جليلة بأن نستعيد بعض الذي مضى، فجزاك الله عنا كل خير.